10 less-known Laravel Packages: May 2016

A new monthly tradition continues - here are 10 packages I've found this month, thanks mostly to Twitter and Laravel News blog. Uploading this as a SlideShare presentation, which I will present at my local Laravel meetup tomorrow, but you guys will be the first ones to see it. Also I will provide the links to actual packages below. Enjoy! Packages mentioned:
  1. Laravel Generator
  2. Localize Middleware
  3. Dingo Project Management
  4. Multi-Tenant
  5. Teamwork
  6. Cascade soft-deletes
  7. Command Validator
  8. Laravel Server Monitor
  9. Langman
  10. Laravel Installer
Any particular package you enjoyed the most? Ant package I should mention in the next issue in June? Use the comments section!

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