Building a Laravel form without Illuminate/html

Laravel 5 version got us confused by separating our beloved Form::open world into a separate package. Now you have to add "illuminate/html": "~5.0" to your projects, whenever you want to use forms, right? Not necessary, you can survive without it. How we would build a simple form with that package:
{!! Form::open(array('url' => 'admin/cities')) !!}
  City name:
{!! Form::text('title', old('title')) !!}
{!! Form::submit('Save') !!} {!! Form::close() !!}
Now, how it looks if we build it in plain Laravel/HTML:
{{ csrf_field() }} City name:

It's not that bad, is it? The only thing we need to take differently is take care of CSRF protection, which is basically done with method csrf_field(). Another example would be a DELETE form - here we need to use two additional methods.
{{ csrf_field() }} {{ method_field('DELETE') }}
As you can see, function method_field() is used for adding a hidden field like this:

Then Laravel mechanism would point that form to the correct Controller method delete(). So, the question remains open: do we really need that external illuminate/html Form functionality? Not always. Probably, depends on your skills - which would give you faster results - and on your particular usage in your application. Which one do you prefer? Do yo use that package? Tell your experience in comments.

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