Laravel Hackathon Starter - boilerplate package for quick start

Today I want to show you a useful package I've found - it's called Laravel Hackathon Starter and created by Prosper Otemuyiwa. It gives you a perfect start for quick project you need. Actually, Laravel itself is a quick way to build an MVP, but this Hackathon Starter builds some functionality on top of it. With this package (well, it's not exactly a "package", more like a pre-built Laravel project), you will have:
  • Authentication mechanism: local email/password, OAuth 1.0a via Twitter and OAuth 2.0 via Facebook, Google, GitHub, LinkedIn, Instagram
  • Flash notifications
  • Basic Bootstrap 3 template (see screenshots below)
  • Contact Form (powered by Mailgun, Sendgrid or Mandrill)
  • Account Management
After installing the package and going to home URL, you will see this: Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.03.57 PM And if we go to Login page, these are the options we have: Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.05.34 PM So this is a convenient starting project to build from. Then you can choose login methods and then add as many pages as you actually need, continuing with good old Laravel. It's useful not only in hackathons, but also for some small MVP/demo projects where speed is really important. I won't talk about usage of the package - it's pretty straightforward and the package has awesome documentation on GitHub! You should try it yourself. The only thing that was weird during install that by default the package assumes that database is pgsql (PostgreSQL), but it's easy to change to MySQL in .env file or directly in config/database.php file. Apart from that - worked like a charm! Kudos to Prosper - you should also check out more of his packages on GitHub.

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