Laravel for Clients: why Laravel and not Symfony?

Notice: This is one chapter of my e-book "Laravel for Clients" - it's available for free at
In this chapter of my e-book let’s take on the "holy war" between frameworks. I’m not kidding here - developers actually fight (verbally only, I hope) with each other about what framework to use. So, in general, there’s not much difference, actually. It’s a matter of how well a particular person is familiar with a certain framework - so a person who has created 10 projects with Laravel would probably deliver faster and with more quality than a developer with 1-2 projects experience with Symfony framework. There is some classification in the frameworks world - there are “full” frameworks (mentioned above) and smaller so-called “micro-frameworks” - examples are Lumen (“stripped” Laravel version), Slim, Silex, Flight. So except for those micro-frameworks, any up-to-date modern framework can do the job. Speaking of “up-to-date”, this is probably the most important argument in this question. Since you’re probably creating a project with plans to update and maintain it in the future, you need a framework with a big enough future and strong community to support it. So currently on the PHP market there are two strong leaders from that perspective: Laravel and Symfony. All the others are less popular, for different reasons - some abandoned by their creators (CodeIgniter), some are too complicated (Zend Framework), some have too small communities (Yii, Cake PHP). Now, how to choose between market leaders - Laravel vs Symfony? Both are really good and I can recommend both. The main difference between them is strictness of the code structure. Symfony is much more strict in the way how the code is written, therefore more popular in enterprise-like applications, and Laravel allows more “freedom” to developers and therefore is more popular in smaller web-apps with lower entry to dev-market. Also, for those same reasons Symfony developers tend to be more expensive - simply put, there are less Symfony professionals in comparison to Laravel. But whichever you choose for your project - it’s more about finding the right developer in that framework space, than framework choice itself. - - - - - - Want to read the full e-book for free? Go to

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