Route group within a group
Wildcard subdomains
What's behind the routes?
Route Model Binding: You can define a key
Quickly Navigate from Routes file to Controller
Route Fallback: When no Other Route is Matched
Route Parameters Validation with RegExp
Rate Limiting: Global and for Guests/Users
Query string parameters to Routes
Separate Routes by Files
Translate Resource Verbs
Custom Resource Route Names
More Readable Route List
Eager load relationship
Localizing Resource URIs
Resource Controllers naming
Easily highlight your navbar menus
Generate absolute path using route() helper
Override the route binding resolver for each of your models
If you need public URL but you want them to be secured
Using Gate in middleware method
Simple route with arrow function
Route view
Route directory instead of route file
Route resources grouping
Custom route bindings
Two ways to check the route name
Route model binding soft-deleted models
Retrieve the URL without query parameters
Customizing Missing Model Behavior in route model bindings
Exclude middleware from a route
Controller groups